
{$city['name']}, {$country['name']} - {$concert['date']}

Genre  {$genre['name']}


"; $query = mysql_query("SELECT image.thumb AS thumb, image.name as imagename, user.name as username, user.id AS userid, artist.id AS artistid, artist.name as artistname FROM image JOIN (concert, artist, user) ON (image.user = user.id AND image.artist = artist.id AND image.concert = concert.id) WHERE image.concert = '{$concert['id']}' ORDER BY image.date DESC"); $loop = 0; while ($image = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { if ($loop == 4) { echo "
"; $loop = 0; } echo "{$image['artistname']}, by {$image['username']}\" class='artist_album'>{$image["; $loop++; } echo "


Post a comment

"; if ($user->loggedin) { echo "

Posted comments

"; } $query = mysql_query("SELECT concert_comment.comment as comment, concert_comment.date AS date, user.name as username, user.id AS userid FROM concert_comment, user WHERE concert_comment.concert = '{$_GET['concert']}' AND user.id=concert_comment.user ORDER BY date DESC"); while($comment=mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo "
{$comment['username']} - {$comment['date']}
"; echo nl2br($comment['comment']); echo "
"; } echo "


"; $query11 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM extras_category ORDER BY name"); $span = 1; while ($cat = mysql_fetch_array($query11)) { $innerquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM concert_extras WHERE concert = '{$concert['id']}' AND category = '{$cat['id']}'"); if (mysql_num_rows($innerquery) > 0) { echo "
" . $cat['name'] . " " . "
"; while ($link = mysql_fetch_array($innerquery)) { echo " - {$link['title']}
"; } echo "
"; $span++; } } echo "
"; } else { echo "


An unexpected error ocured.
"; } #avsluta sidan show_footer(); #koppla från databas $db->Disconnect(); ?>